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Women’s National Housing &
Homelessness Network

Women’s homelessness is a crisis in Canada. Women, girls, and gender diverse peoples experience some of the most severe forms of housing need. It is time for political action.

Become a member

New Website & Toolkit: Review Panel on the Right to Housing for Women, Two-Spirit & Gender-Diverse People

Want to get involved in the upcoming National Housing Council's review panel on the right to housing for women, Two-Spirit, and gender-diverse people? The WNHHN and National Indigenous Women's Housing Network developed a toolkit to help anyone engage in the review panel process by submitting written testimony. We took this toolkit and created a website to make it even more accessible.

Check it out:

Go to GenderHousingJustice.ca Now!

Women & Girls’ Homelessness in Canada


of women-led households in Canada are in core housing need


of people experiencing homelessness in Canada are women-identified


of women in Canada have experienced hidden homelessness at some point in their lives

About the Network

We are a collective of diverse women, including those with lived expertise, who are working to eliminate homelessness and housing insecurity for women, girls, and gender-diverse peoples across Canada.

Home Resources

Resources on Gendered Homelessness

National Standards for Emergency Shelters Across Canada


An Intersectional Feminist Housing Agenda for Canada



Gendered Evictions in Financialized Housing Markets Across Canada



Housing Need & Homelessness Amongst Gender-Diverse People


Join Us


We invite ALL women-identified and gender-diverse people to join us in building a national network capable of driving political change to end homelessness and housing insecurity for women, girls, and gender-diverse peoples in Canada.
We particularly encourage women-identified and gender-diverse people with lived or living expertise of homelessness or housing need to join the Network.
Through the Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network, members can become involved in local and national research, policy, advocacy, training, and cross-country collaboration. 
Please join us! 
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